The Arts
The creative arts is an integral part of MCLC's programs. One art program spun off of and grew into an amazing organization of its own, to purchase items click here.
The mission of Art Matènwa is to foster the artists’ determination to survive creatively — through art, education and economic security.
Our mission in Matènwa is to:
Support an artistic/economic development projects for Matènwa women and mothers.
Facilitate a cultural exchange between students and teachers at Nauset Regional High School and the Matènwa community, now in its 13th year.
Contribute to village improvement projects such as home and road repair, food gardens, and protection against domestic violence for women and children.
Manage this website which promotes the artistic products of the Matènwa arts collaborative.
Together we experience and learn from the global conditions and variables that directly affect their economic success. We learn to think beyond the immediate toward the balancing of a future that sustains their business as well as their message. For more information click here...
Art Matènwa's Mission

Art Matènwa's Passion
Our passion is in maintaining a remarkable initiative, serving as a model for other communities in crisis.
Art Matènwa's Promise
Our promise is to keep working together to create a stable economic ground by making what we love for the sake of the people we love.
This has been for all of us, a mutual learning curve. What started out as a modest experiment by a handful of American and Haitian women has opened doors to expansion, ideas, and challenges none of us could ever have foreseen. Life for the artists and their families has changed for the better. They are proud of their creative skills as well as their ability to keep their families fed and their children in school. They feel more in control of their destinies as they see creative alternatives to helplessly watching their land deplete. They no longer need to consider abandoning the safety of where they grew up to try to survive in the dangerous, unforgiving slums of Port au Prince. Click here for more information.