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Pre-K through High School


In the beginning the Matènwa Community School was  an early grades primary school.  Its mission was to help children learn information and receive training that would prepare them for their futures. In every subject, teachers experimented with concrete materials and fun activities to bring the curriculum to life. Children didn't just learn to read, write and do math, but also learned to ask questions, think critically, and come up with creative solutions. They sat in unifying circles, discussing, debating, and planning. Teachers were piloting new programs: Reflections Circles, Mother Tongue Books, Education is a Conversation: Children's Rights Program, Responsive Classroom, and Creole Gardens.


The school  has created an ambiance where children and adults show respect for each other. Both adults and children recognize that they have rights before the law and that adults must uphold the laws for everyone, especially children.


As more and more teachers showed up on its doorstep asking for training it became evident that this little rural school had become a Lab School for teacher training.


Matènwa Community School


Friends of Matènwa

91 Aberdeen Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02138

Tel: 617-543-8844

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© 2015 Friends of Matènwa. 

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